Monday, January 31, 2011
Bunny Toe Tree
Another walk around the block reveals tiny signs that spring will indeed happen, even though it seems darker than ever out there. Crocus are starting to pop up and these furry little bud buddies. Does anyone know what kind of tree this is? The buds look like mini rabbits feet. I wonder if they are good luck?

Sunday, January 30, 2011
Mmmmm pretty colors! Thanks to some extra Christmas money, I now have every acceptable color of fiesta that is out right now (plus 2 retired colors, don't be jealous) I have no need for brown or white, those supposed colors mean nothing to me.
Word on the street is that a new one is coming out, Marigold...I can hardly wait, and then, and then I will have a set of 10! Hopefully everyone will have a real plate next Thanksgiving..my apologies to those who ate on paper or other random pieces of kitchenware.
Word on the street is that a new one is coming out, Marigold...I can hardly wait, and then, and then I will have a set of 10! Hopefully everyone will have a real plate next Thanksgiving..my apologies to those who ate on paper or other random pieces of kitchenware.

Saturday, January 29, 2011
Awhile ago I did a shoot for Converse. They were doing a demonstration on the Nike campus. These kids were positioned all over with signs and boom boxes and and other hip, young stuff 'protesting' that Converse is a big deal and they demand to be noticed. (Nike owns Converse in case anyone doesn't know) It was fun and oh man kids these days...they're getting younger by the minute.

Friday, January 28, 2011
Many of you know we bought a house in April. We aren't in a horrible neighborhood...just an interesting one. One of the highlights is the D.A.V. bingo hall. Dan calls it Dave's. Like our buddy Dave down the street just happens to be rounding up some folks for a friendly little game. It's not at all like that.
I believe it is the largest one in Portland. Bingo 3x daily starting at 10 am, 365 days/year. These people are serious. And it is pretty awesome. Dan and I have been there 3 times and I think I just might be ready for my 4th. Any takers?

I believe it is the largest one in Portland. Bingo 3x daily starting at 10 am, 365 days/year. These people are serious. And it is pretty awesome. Dan and I have been there 3 times and I think I just might be ready for my 4th. Any takers?

Thursday, January 27, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Portion control
Since I have been Gluten Free, I have allowed myself to indulge in things I wouldn't have before. Like candy...lots of candy. Lord help me, it's time put up some eating boundaries and crack down. Portions, it's all about portions.
Here is my pretty little portion of fruit jellies from Trader Joes.

Here is my pretty little portion of fruit jellies from Trader Joes.

portland food photographer,
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Playing Hooky
It got to be about 2:00 today and Dan and I decided we didn't want to be home anymore. Don't tell anyone, but we played hooky and off to McMenamin's Edgefield we went for some wine tasting!

McMenamins Edgefield,
wine tasting
Monday, January 24, 2011
Show n' tell
With spring nearly around the corner I got an itch for estate sales. Saturday I went to one and picked up some rather fun prizes. One find is these 1960?s upholstery swatches. I love them so much. They are about 20"x20" and are completely fabulous. But, the question remains...what exactly do I do with them? I need your help please!!!

portland still life photographer,
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Yes please.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Orange you glad
Friday, January 21, 2011
Pair of pears
Dan and I ordered a pear tree for our backyard today from Friends of Trees. Soon we will be making little baby pears just like these!

organics to you,
portland food photographer,
Thursday, January 20, 2011
I made up a yummy concoction! Inspired by a Pastini menu (whom by the way will make any of their pastas gluten free, free of charge!)
Ingredients: white beans made from dried ones, canned salmon (although the menu says tuna, which I think would have been better because mine was a bit fishy) capers, celery, red onion, olive oil, red wine vinegar, parsley, lemon juice, salt, pepper, topped with tomato and avocado. Yum!
Dang. I'm so friggin healthy!
Ingredients: white beans made from dried ones, canned salmon (although the menu says tuna, which I think would have been better because mine was a bit fishy) capers, celery, red onion, olive oil, red wine vinegar, parsley, lemon juice, salt, pepper, topped with tomato and avocado. Yum!
Dang. I'm so friggin healthy!

food photography,
portland food photographer,
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Scavenger Bouquet
Those of you that know me, know that I'm a bit of a scavenger. This morning I decided to take a walk and see if I could scrounge up some pretties for a little bouquet. I bundled up and brought a bag and some scissors. I'm sure the neighbors didn't mind...I did stick to sidewalks and streets at least.
There isn't much out there, but I think I did pretty good considering we are smack dab in the middle of January!

There isn't much out there, but I think I did pretty good considering we are smack dab in the middle of January!

portland still life photographer
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
For the birds
It's time for another edition of show 'n tell. As we know from earlier posts, I really like cute little birds. Like really like them. Here are a few from my collection. I started with functional ones, like the white salt and pepper shakers and the blue candle holder...but then I found the really cute other blue ones at a second hand shop, and how could I resist? Collections, they are a good thing right? Just ask Martha.

Monday, January 17, 2011
Behind the scenes
Last year our friends Patty and Jeff got married. I wasn't the photographer, but I'm just not really comfortable at a wedding anymore without shooting. I'd probably get drunk and crash the party without my camera ;) Here is a behind the scenes: happy couple + photographer Brian Lee + stylist Amanda Needham. I really love this image. It's very real and editorial feeling...and undoubtedly I had a glass of wine in my other hand since I was 'off duty'.

Sunday, January 16, 2011
I did some business portraits for the lovely ladies of The Brouse Group this morning...and what do you do when you have lighting and a backdrop all set up? Yes, that is correct, you take silly photos of yourself..and possibly your cat and boyfriend.

Saturday, January 15, 2011
What a jackass!
Friday, January 14, 2011
Beauty in All
Boy oh boy, this time of year in the Northwest can be really trying. Nothing but gray and darkness. I was really having a hard time figuring out what to shoot today, then, through the window I spotted our old raggedy, dead Oregano plant that I never trimmed back this fall. There is beauty in everything if you look. I'm glad I'm doing this blog everyday, it's making me look and see a lot more than before. Who knows, maybe tomorrow I'll creatively explore the dead mums in the front yard.

portland photographer,
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Today I had to do production all day, so sue me. So, I am posting wedding images from my favorite Iowa couple's wedding: Sarah and Bob. Such a great time and wonderful family, these images of Sarah and her grandpa are some of my faves. It makes me smile every time I see these pictures. So sweet. I miss you guys so much! I think it's safe to say an Iowa trip is in our future travel plans..

iowa wedding,
outdoor wedding,
wedding photography
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
It's a no-snow day
Practically the whole country has gotten snow in the last 24 hours EXCEPT Portland. I, personally love a snow day a snow anything, really. We get nothing except, you guessed it. Rain. And more rain. Freezing rain, cold rain, warm rain, drizzle, sleet, showers, sprinkles, and mud. Boo-hoo, poor me. I think I'll make it though.
In all this doom and gloom I did find something pretty. The little drips and drops on our windows are pretty amazing. They ain't no snowflakes, but it will have to do!

In all this doom and gloom I did find something pretty. The little drips and drops on our windows are pretty amazing. They ain't no snowflakes, but it will have to do!

pacific nw,
portland photographer,
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
What am I?
One of my ongoing projects is shooting the patterns in raw fruits/vegetables. I thought this was very pretty and dainty and would possibly like some wallpaper made out of it. The design, not the actual vegetable. Can you guess what it is?

portland food,
portland food photographer,
Monday, January 10, 2011
Winter squash
This morning I visited my friends at Organics to You for a little group photo shoot. Such a nice group of hard working kids! While I was there I picked up some veg. Carnival squash anyone? It's so pretty I hate to eat it! One of my favorite things in the fall/winter is to display pretty squashes in my kitchen in a basket or on the table as a center piece.
But alas, this little squash is destined for my belly. I found 2 recipes that sound divine, which one do I make??

But alas, this little squash is destined for my belly. I found 2 recipes that sound divine, which one do I make??

Sunday, January 9, 2011
Beer and a whole lotta cheer(ing)
Ahhh Sunday, and lately what that means is football. Today we went to Saraveza for the big match: Eagles vs. Packers. With the boyfriend being midwestern n' all, we were definitely rooting for the Packers, not to mention that we would be booted right out on to the street if it was any other way.
I hadn't been to Saraveza before and it is really great. They serve up some tasty pasties and a whole lotta other stuff that I can eat (gluten free). A very knowledgeable staff for us sensitive types and even a gluten free beer selection made me a very happy girl! Not to mention creamy carrot soup and these amazing stuffed jalapenos..I'm gushing now. But seriously, you should try it.

I hadn't been to Saraveza before and it is really great. They serve up some tasty pasties and a whole lotta other stuff that I can eat (gluten free). A very knowledgeable staff for us sensitive types and even a gluten free beer selection made me a very happy girl! Not to mention creamy carrot soup and these amazing stuffed jalapenos..I'm gushing now. But seriously, you should try it.

Saturday, January 8, 2011
Spring? Is that you?
I don't generally shoot flowers or landscapes..but I am a complete sucker for cut flowers. Especially ones that are in my window.
Yesterday I noticed our Camelia bush had a little bloom on it! I know these things bloom in the winter, but I prefer to forget that information completely and pretend that spring is on it's way. Nothing wrong with that right?

Yesterday I noticed our Camelia bush had a little bloom on it! I know these things bloom in the winter, but I prefer to forget that information completely and pretend that spring is on it's way. Nothing wrong with that right?

Friday, January 7, 2011
Barbie Street Style
Inspired by my friend Lisa who started me on this challenge and by her blog Urban Weeds, I chose to do a little Barbie dress up this morning. Thanks a million to Lisa, and just remember that imitation is the highest form of flattery!
And please excuse my use of OMG and LOL, but I really have a strong feeling that Barbie uses those regularly.
Barbie on NE 84th

I'm inspired by vintage dresses paired with the modern. It's very hard to find things in my size, but every once and awhile I hit a really great estate sale and I'm like "OMG Jackpot!"

scarf: The gap
dress: Thrifted
boots: Mattel
Leggings: Target
Bracelet: Borrowed
Hair: My roommates did it with a Sharpie and some old scissors, LOL!
And please excuse my use of OMG and LOL, but I really have a strong feeling that Barbie uses those regularly.
Barbie on NE 84th

I'm inspired by vintage dresses paired with the modern. It's very hard to find things in my size, but every once and awhile I hit a really great estate sale and I'm like "OMG Jackpot!"

scarf: The gap
dress: Thrifted
boots: Mattel
Leggings: Target
Bracelet: Borrowed
Hair: My roommates did it with a Sharpie and some old scissors, LOL!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
Don't cry, but..
Well, not much to say about this today. I shot a red onion this morning, and I think it looks pretty cool, so there.
It was either the onion or my shoes. Don't get too excited, but maybe tomorrow you'll luck out and get a pic of my favorite converse.

It was either the onion or my shoes. Don't get too excited, but maybe tomorrow you'll luck out and get a pic of my favorite converse.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Meet the family

Meet the newest addition to our household: Kealey. AKA: The Great White Beast, The Beast, Beasty, Beasty Girl, Beezle-bub, Keezley, Beezy, Beasley, and most recently The Beezle. Not to sound like an overly proud mother, but is she not the cutest thing you have ever seen? This morning the cats were playing table cloth hide and seek. It's the most fun thing since canned tuna, don't cha know!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011
A few of my favorite things

Day 2! And I'm posting before noon. Man O Man I think I'm getting this blogging thing down, I even remembered my blogspot password today ;)
With Christmas all wrapped up and stored away in boxes in the basement, there were a few things I just couldn't bear to let go of yet. One is this 'found art'. I call it Pine Cones with Rock..it always makes me happy to have a little bit of the outside on the inside. And secondly, this little felt birdy. I really really love birds, especially cute little chubby ones. My good friend Amy gave to me for my birthday last year and I heart it. It makes me feel a little bit warmer even though it is a frozen tundra outside!
Monday, January 3, 2011
A new year
Since the beginning of time I have obviously been a very bad blogger, posting only a few times a year. Bad, bad me! In 2011 I am going to try to change that. My friend Lisa started a 30 day challenge for bloggers. 10 bloggers chose a challenge and are video blogging about it everyday. My challenge to myself is to simply blog everyday for 30 days...so here I am! Here is a link to her blog:
One of my ongoing projects is for my client Organics To You We are trying to have a photo and catalog all of the produce that comes in their bins. A few weeks ago P must have been the theme of my produce box because in it, amongst other things were Persimmons, Parsnips and Pomegranate. Here's to produce that starts with P!

One of my ongoing projects is for my client Organics To You We are trying to have a photo and catalog all of the produce that comes in their bins. A few weeks ago P must have been the theme of my produce box because in it, amongst other things were Persimmons, Parsnips and Pomegranate. Here's to produce that starts with P!

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